You have 10 minutes to get to work and you cannot find your keys. Frantically, you begin searching for your keys. If you are fortunate, you might find them within a few minutes. If you are unlucky, it might take hours or days to find them—or worse, you never find them.

If you cannot find your keys, try to stay calm and use these five tips to help you locate them:

1. Clean

When things are lost, it can help to do some cleaning. If you placed them in an area you don't normally place them, your keys might be hiding amongst the clutter or mess. So if you have the time, try do some cleaning while you are looking. You never know, they might be hiding in the dishes or in the stack of mail.

2. Look In The Normal Spots

Sometimes, keys are hiding in plain sight. That is to say, they are hiding where they would normally be the entire time you are looking for them. So even if you have already looked, consider looking in all the spots you normally place your keys. While in your state of panic, you might have overlooked them. So calm down and look again.

3. The Power of Memory

If you can't find your keys at all, try using your memory. Retrace your steps and go over every spot you have been in your home. If you got some food, look in your cupboards and refrigerator. If you went to the bathroom, check the bathroom and any cupboards in drawers in there as well. Look in every spot you have been, even if you don't remember setting your keys down.

4. Ask Your Kids

If you have kids and you keep your keys within their reach, ask your kids. You never know, your toddler or teenager might have grabbed them and misplaced them. If they don't know where they are, try looking in their designated areas such as their room and their play room. You might also want to look anywhere they have been recently, including the bathroom.

5. Call a Locksmith

If all else fails you cannot find your keys, contact a locksmith. These professionals can help you get into your car or home, if you cannot. They can also re-key your home or make key copies, if you need them. So don't hesitate to contact a locksmith (like those at Roland Park Lock And Key) if you need help.

Losing your keys can be frustrating, especially if you are in a hurry. Use these tips to help you find your lost keys. To prevent losing your keys, consider placing them in the same time every time. You might also want to consider using more keychains or a lanyard to make locating your keys easier in the future. 
