Do you practice key safety each day? Do you know how to practice key safety? So many people are very negligent about how they treat and keep their keys for their homes and their vehicles. Sometimes, this neglect is caused because people just don't know how to handle and keep their keys safely. Below, you will learn how to do just that.
Limit The Keys On Your Key-Chain
How many keys do you have on your key-chain? So many people make the mistake of keeping every key that they need on a single key-chain that they carry with them everywhere. Why is this a mistake? Well, if you lose that key-chain, someone has the ability to unlock every lock that you had a key to on that key-chain.
Instead of keeping every key on one ring, carry individual key rings with your important keys on them. Your car key should be the only key on one ring; your house key should be the only key on another. This may require you to do a little extra work when you need to use the key, but it will save you a ton of stress if you were to lose the keys and have to replace them.
Use The Valet Key
In many cases, when you purchase a car, you are given at least two sets of keys – a general key and a valet key. The valet key only unlocks the doors and starts your car. When allowing a valet or any other professional to take your car, you should give them the valet key. This prevents the valet attendant from accessing any information that you have on the documents in your glove compartment. Those documents can provide a potential thief everything that they need to burglarize your home while you are enjoying your night on the town.
Tip: Lock your garage door opener remote in the glove box when using a valet service or parking in a parking lot. Thieves often target cars that can lead them to bigger scores, like the contents of your home.
Do Away With Hide-A-Keys
Do you keep a key stashed inside a plant, under a gnome, or on top of the door frame? Big mistake! If you have to keep a key stashed to prevent your teenager from locking himself out after school, it is time to invest in a keyless lock for at least one door of your home. If your teen is not responsible enough to remember to take the key with they, they are probably also irresponsible enough to lose it when they remember it.
If you have misplaced or lost keys in the past, you can replace them, but if there is any chance that the keys were lost somewhere that puts your home or vehicle at risk, you should have the locks replaced. Talk with a local locksmith or key replacement technician like ASAP Mobile Locksmiths to learn more about using your keys safely.