Locking your keys inside your vehicle can be a frustrating experience, especially if you are in a hurry to get somewhere. There are a few ways to handle this type of situation quickly and efficiently. Here are a few ideas for you to use if you lock your keys inside your vehicle and a few ways to avoid it from happening again.

Deal With Emergency Situations

If you have locked your keys in your vehicle while a young child or a pet is inside, you will need to dial 911 to do a rescue. Because of the risk, especially if it is a hot day, your windows may be broken in an attempt to save the child or animal. Do not waste time trying to get the vehicle open on your own or to wait for a locksmith or tow truck. Get the right help immediately.

If you are feeling uncomfortable about the area where you have locked your keys in your vehicle, call 911 in this instance, as well. Try to find an area where you are not vulnerable, such as in a store or a well-lit area. Police will get to you quickly and will help you get a tow truck so you can get yourself and your vehicle out of harm's way. You would need to contact a locksmith afterward to get inside your vehicle. Another option would be to go to a car dealership to have a key made.

Assess The Lock

If you have an older vehicle, you may be able to break in on your own. These vehicles have the locking mechanism located on the side of your interior door, visible from the window. If this pertains to your vehicle, try using a metal coat hanger that has been disassembled to release the lock. Bend one end to create a small hook. The hooked end of the hanger is placed between the rubber and glass of your side window and pushed downward until the end is located near the latch. Hook the latch and pull upward to unlock your door.

Newer vehicles need to have a key to gain entry. Calling a locksmith would be the easiest way to gain entry quickly. Let them know the make and model of your vehicle when you call to see if they are able to gain entry. In many cases, a professional locksmith will have the tools or a key to get into your vehicle with ease.

Take Precaution

To avoid being locked out of your vehicle, you can buy a small magnetic box that can be hidden on the undercarriage. Place a spare key inside so you do not need to worry about lost or locked in keys in the future. Another way to save time, is to keep the manufacturer key code in your wallet or purse. That way, if the key gets locked inside or lost, you would be able to call a dealership to have a new key cut for your vehicle. A friend could bring you to the dealership to get the key and you would be able to go back to retrieve your vehicle. 
